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Just choose your favourite cryptocurrency or mining algorithm and get started in minutes!


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24 Months Bitcoin Mining *

SHA256 Mining Algorithm

Zero Maintenance Fee


Best Buy

75 TH/s

24 Months Bitcoin Mining *

SHA256 Mining Algorithm

Zero Maintenance Fee



150 TH/s

24 Months Bitcoin Mining *

SHA256 Mining Algorithm

Zero Maintenance Fee


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0 TH/s

24 Months Bitcoin Mining *

SHA256 Mining Algorithm

Contact us for more details

All plans are one-time payments (upfront fee) for the entire contract duration and are not based on a monthly subscription model.

Anchor 1

Contract Information

Bitcoin Mining

Bitcoin mining is the process by which new bitcoins are entered into circulation, but it is also a critical component of the maintenance and development of the blockchain ledger. It is performed using very sophisticated computers that solve extremely complex computational math problems.

Cryptocurrency mining is painstaking, costly, and only sporadically rewarding. Nonetheless, mining has a magnetic appeal for many investors interested in cryptocurrency because of the fact that miners are rewarded for their work with crypto tokens. 

Contract Term *

The Bitcoin mining plans will run for a maximum of 24 months, however, should Bitcoin (“BTC”) switch to proof-of-stake before the end of the term, we will use the leased hardware on a best-effort basis to mine other well performing Cryptocurrencies with that hardware for you. Please refer to the contract for further details.

Maintenance fee

There is no Maintenance Fee involved in this mining plan. Your only cost is what you pay for the hashpower (the initial price at purchase). There are no other fees to consider when calculating the performance of this mining plan.

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Terra Solis Vs home mining

Cost of a contract with Terra Solis

Cost and externalities of having your own mining hardware

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Why should I purchase hashpower at Terra Solis?

Due to the large scale at which we purchase mining machinery, we are able to take advantage of economies of scale and obtain better prices for on our employed technology. This means we buy the hardware cheaper than the market price. What also bears great importance, considering the maintenance costs, is the storage of the miners: we have a large farm in Norway, and the location was chosen to fulfil two important criteria: cheap electricity supply and little or no need for cooling.

There is much beauty in purchasing and setting up your own mining operation, we know that. But setting up mining rigs are for those who are skilled technicians, can solve tricky complications, and generally see the fun in maintaining a complex construction. Cloud mining is for those who want to have the benefits of cryptocurrency mining without maintaining any mining equipment. For most people these are annoying, unnecessary difficulties, and our solution is targeted exactly at them.

There are many who tell us that they can mine cheaper by themselves according to their calculations. However, it always turned out that they forgot about one or more of the above listed costs. We did our calculations, and we think it’s impossible to have better mining performance on a smaller scale, at home and by yourself. Take a look at our hash power offerings and start cloud mining today.

Sign up to one of the largest green hashpower providers in Norway and start mining today!

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90 Jermyn Street, SW1Y 6JD, London, United Kingdom


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©2023  Terra Solis Capital

The information on this website does not convey an offer of any type and is not intended to be, and should not be construed as, an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, any securities, commodities, or other financial products. In addition, the information on this website does not constitute the provision of investment advice.No assurances can be made that any aims, assumptions, expectations, strategies, and/or goals expressed or implied herein were or will be realised or that the activities or any performance described did or will continue at all or in the same manner as is described on this website.

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